Klüberplus S 19-100

Número do artigo: 012419 Gel for facilitated assembly of elastomer and plastic components

When joining or assembling rubber-elastic materials, it is particularly important that the components can be fitted perfectly without excessive force. Incorrect fittings or damaged surfaces are frequently the result of poor assembly lubrication, e.g. by using mineral oil-based products, soap solutions, water or silicones. In the application, this may become apparent in the form of corrosion, poor compatibility, impaired wetting of elastomers or residues.

Precisely for these applications we developed Klüberplus S 19-100. During assembly this product generates a temporary lubricating effect that makes the components fit into each other smoothly. As assembly forces are lowered significantly, the amount of reject can be reduced, and the production rate increased. As the water evaporates, the product ceases to act as a lubricant, so the component is fixed firmly in place. Klüberplus S 19-100 offers you a wide variety of uses as it is neutral towards most customary materials like PMMA, ASA, ABS, EPDM, TPE and PP. Klüberplus S 19-100 is a label free product and shows a good corrosion protection during assembly, also on galvanised surfaces.

Klüberplus S 19-100

Benefícios para sua aplicação

  • Cost savings due to shorter assembly times and reduction of rejects due to lower assembly forces

  • Environmentally sound and safe to use

    • Lower consumption of chemicals due to excellent temporary lubricating effect

    • Non-flammable, water-based design - without solvent, mineral oil or silicones

    • Prevents workplace injuries, such as repetitive motion disorders, due to reduced force required for component assembly

  • Neutral towards many materials, including PMMA, ASA, ABS, EPDM, TPE, PP

  • Offers corrosion protection during assembly of several metals even galvanised surfaces

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