Klüberspeed BF 42-12

Obj. č.: 004048 High-speed bearing grease

Klüberspeed BF 42-12 is a stick-resistant, walk-stable grease based on a fully synthetic concept and a lithium special soap as a thickener. The selected base oil viscosity and the viscosity temperature behavior of the base oil enable a wide speed and

Scope of application of Klüberspeed BF 42-12. Test bench tests show that Klüberspeed BF 42-12 has a better break-in performance compared to Standard-Hochgeschwindigkeitsschmierfetten. It also features shortened break-in behavior and long service life.

Klüberspeed BF 42-12

Výhody pro váš provoz

  • Very good water resistance protects against early bearing failures and helps to minimize maintenance costs

  • Low lubricant friction and low self-heating of bearings reduce risk of failure

  • Wide service temperature range increases flexibility of use

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