Klübersynth HLR 46-371

Vare-nr.: 012191 Lubricating and assembly grease for elastomer/metal sliding material combinations (sensitive to mineral oil)

Klübersynth HLR 46-371 is an adhesive, pliant and high-temperature resistant special lubricating grease. Due to the product composition (base oil: polyalkylene glycol oil; thickener: special lithium soap) it is possible to use it in context with many elastomers which are sensitive to mineral oil (particularly EPDM) and plastics.

Outstanding performance data:

  • very wide service temperature range

  • good corrosion protection

  • good water resistance

  • excellent oxidation stability

Klübersynth HLR 46-371

Fordele for din applikation

  • Lubricating and assembly paste

  • Service temperature range – 40 / 150 °C

  • For elastomer/metal sliding material combinations

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