KlüberEfficiencySupport - Food customer pushing through with our KES program

One of the plants of a leading food manufacturer in the Philippines requested to meet us and support them with the lubrication management that they were planning to implement. They currently have a total of five lines for bakery, snacks and chocolate bar. 

Prior to engaging us, the customer attempted to create a lubrication map on their own based on their best knowledge. We came up with our lubrication map as well as recommendations within two weeks of conducting a lubrication audit. Upon a discussion on how we can support them, the customer entrusted us with the project and decided to go with their chocolate line for a start, since our expertise plays a big role in allowing them to have an efficient lubrication program.

For one, after a comprehensive research, we highlighted to the customer that some of the bearings within the packaging lines need not be re-lubricated after using our products.  Since they were formally applying a spray grease, the customer would be enjoying some strong savings of 20 cans of spray greases on a monthly basis.

We are waiting for the customer’s purchase order for the very first line that we had audited before moving on to support them with other production lines.  Subsequently, we plan on conducting a continuous training for them so that their operations staff will be fully familiarised with the lubrication works.

Written by:
Tyrone Malalad, KLSEA  

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