Successful Case Study - Refrigeration Compressor

Highly refined refrigeration compressor oil
Improved efficiency and reduced costs

One of the largest processed frozen food manufacturers in Malaysia, specialising in the manufacturing of frozen processed food products such as burger patties, nuggets, sausages, meatballs and others experienced a reduction in oil consumption as a result of an extended oil change intervals and longer life of spare parts after switching to Klüber Summit RHT 68. They also saw a significant reduction in energy consumption since using our product.

Challenges: High maintenance cost due to frequent oil changeover and top-up rate

There are currently four units of refrigeration compressors operating in their plant, which comprise of screw-type compressors lubricated with conventional naphthene-based mineral oils. They regularly need to top-up the lubricating oils, resulting in high oil consumption. The high frequency of oil top-up to the compressors was an additional workload for their technicians and this has increased their maintenance costs. This has affected their productivity and reliability, which was extremely important to their plant.

The manager responsible was looking for a solution that is specially designed for refrigeration compressors with ammonia system. Their goal is to reduce the overall maintenance costs and oil consumption as well as improvement in the efficiency of the refrigeration system.

Solution: Klüber Summit RHT 68

In view of the above, Klüber Lubrication Malaysia proposed Klüber Summit RHT 68 which is specially developed for screw-type compressors in ammonia refrigeration systems. Klüber Summit RHT 68 is based on highly refined paraffinic oils, and offers far superior performance to the conventional naphthene-based mineral oils. Klüber Summit RHT 68 is proposed because it is able to:

  • reduce oil carryover compared to naphthene-based mineral oils – this leads to reduced oil top-up frequency and consumption, and subsequently lower oil cost
  • lower maintenance costs due to extended oil change intervals and longer lifetime of the filers and separators
  • reduce energy consumption due to improved refrigeration system efficiency

Outcome: Reduction in oil consumption, maintenance costs and energy savings

The manager responsible was very satisfied with the outcome of the proposed solution as it showed a reduction in oil consumption as a result of an extended oil change intervals and longer life of spare parts after switching to Klüber Summit RHT 68. They also saw a significant reduction in energy consumption since using our product.

  • Reduced oil top-up frequency, leading to reduced workload of technicians and lower oil costs (approximately 58% total annual savings on lubricant costs when compared to the naphthene-based mineral oil).
  • Reduced maintenance costs as a result of the extended oil change intervals and lower oil top-up frequency. The hydrogenated-based oil is chemically stable and designed specifically to withstand the influence of ammonia.
  • Energy savings due to overall improved efficiency of the refrigeration system. The desired cooling temperature was achieved due to the higher operating efficiency of the compressors.

As a result of the above, Klüber Summit RHT 68 is lubricating all the four units of screw compressors in their plant. They are satisfied that Klüber Lubrication Malaysia provided them a solution, which met their expectations rather than just focused on selling products alone.


Written by:
Joanne Soh, KLMAL

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