Training for Success

Upon receiving multiple training requests from some of our channel partners, the KLSEA team dived into contacting our industry experts based in Germany, Malaysia and the US to seek their time in imparting some handy knowledge to us from across the globe.

By now, we have finished conducting online training sessions via WebEx for our channel partners around the Coal Power Plant by Mr. Justin Koozer, Fertiliser industry by Mr. Jonathan Venditti and shared the presentation files with the participants.

Next on our December calendar, we lined online training sessions on Gas Compressor to be delivered by Mr. Stuart Kleinman as well as Palm Oil industry to be facilitated by Mr. Chow Chan Loong. Attendees are always encouraged to raise questions, if any, during or after the training sessions.  

We hope that our channel partners find the various training sessions executed in the past weeks beneficial. Feel free to drop us some feedback via the survey forms that we have prepared for every training session in order to better understand your training needs.

In addition, we recently picked up three other new topics requested by our channel partners and will work on liaising fresh training sessions to enhance industry and product know-how for you in the new 2021. As always, simply approach your Klüber Lubrication counterpart if there is any further training topics in your mind.

With effective sales training in place, we are all better able to generate the excellent performance that will carry our businesses forward and achieve greater success together.

Written by:
Winnie Lee, KLSEA

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